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MedisanaMedisana GmbH Medisana NMG 850 - Grey - Shiatsu massage - Back area - Leg area - Neck area - Shoulder area - Hand wash - Hand wash - 1140 mmThe comfort Shiatsu neck massager NMG 850 helps to relieve, relax and stimulate the neck and shoulders. With the help of the gentle shiatsu massage, it acts precisely on the tensed body regions, but can also be used flexibly on the back, stomach, thighs0 59155915RUB5915RUB
Medisana GmbH Medisana NMG 850 - Grey - Shiatsu massage - Back area - Leg area - Neck area - Shoulder area - Hand wash - Hand wash - 1140 mm в Новокуйбышевске
Код товара: 01928e9b-ae7a-c4ce-7ac0-ac6d2f28e6bd
The comfort Shiatsu neck massager NMG 850 helps to relieve, relax and stimulate the neck and shoulders. With the help of the gentle shiatsu massage, it acts precisely on the tensed body regions, but can also be used flexibly on the back, stomach, thighs
Comfier Neck & Back Massager with Air Compress & Shiatsu
Comfier Neck & Back Massager with Air Compress & ShiatsuComfier Neck & Back Massager with Air Compress & Shiatsu
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Medisana shiatsu massage seat coverMedisana shiatsu massage seat cover
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Shiatsu Neck Massager REVIEW - Best Christmas Gift!Shiatsu Neck Massager REVIEW - Best Christmas Gift!
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medisana Relax Massage Chair RS 800 - englishmedisana Relax Massage Chair RS 800 - english
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTCMedisana Shiatsu Massager from Lidl
Medisana Shiatsu Massager from LidlMedisana Shiatsu Massager from Lidl
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTCMEDISANA Back Relief Massager Demo
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PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTCОтзывы
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